Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day

Just like the next guy, I hate Valentine's Day...

Don't judge me, it's just a disappointing reminder that I'm still single.

That said, I am going to take the next few sentences convincing myself that I don't hate Valentine's Day.

Call me crazy...I might as well try creating world peace.

Here goes:

I love.  I love well and I love hard.  My friends are a lasting reminder that my heart (thank you Celine Dion) will go on.  I am reminded every day that I have amazing people in my life.  People that I enjoy spending time with, people that I keep in my thoughts, and people that I love.

I have a vast array of truly wonderful friends.  I surround myself with beautiful people and genuine souls.  How then is it that I convince myself that a holiday made to celebrate the very heart that I have is one not worth celebrating?

Here's to you Saint Valentine!

I am a lover!  I am loved!  I don't need one valentine to spend this day with because I have all of my friends.  They are my valentines and I am their's if they choose to accept me as such.

So let's take this day and spread love.  Let's remember that the Lonely Hearts Club doesn't need members anymore, they're at maximum capacity.

The Lover's Club is accepting applications...

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