Friday, February 12, 2010


Wow...I really went to town on the whole melodramatic gay card in my previous blog.  So how about this for a contrast:

Stop complaining.

It's not attractive.  Nobody likes to hear it.  We've all got our own problems to deal with so stop freaking complaining about your easily solved problems.

If you don't like something, change it.  If you can't change it, change you freaking attitude about it.  Maya Angelou knows what I'm talking about here so I must be on to something!

Complaining about a situation is not going to resolve it.  What you need to do is learn how to step out of the situation, map out exactly what the obstacles are, and pick out the quickest route for solution.

Complaining is like procrastinating on putting a pair of shoes into your closet.  They don't belong in the middle of the living room, they're going to get in the way eventually, you don't like seeing them there anyways, so you might as well get to it.

Don't get me wrong here, I'm not saying I will turn someone away when they need help.  What I'm trying to say is, figure out if you can do something on your own before going to everyone else to do your dirty work.  And if getting someone to help you out is your final solution, then pay attention to how they fix it so that you can learn from them and acquire the knowledge they've just presented you.

Life is a learning experience.  We can't simply glide by unknowing of all things around us.  Well...technically, yes, one can...but we shouldn't!

Rather than being an idle bystander in our own lives, how about we take action and get the gears turning.

If that doesn't sway your mind, think of this:

Complaining is annoying!

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