Saturday, October 27, 2012

Coming Back

I wish I could tell you that I was making a fabulous comeback.

I wish that I could say I got the old crew back together to create a limited engagement performance.

I wish I could show you that everything was ok in my world.

I wish I could do these things, but then I'd be lying.

I have made a lot of discoveries, changed my world views, learned new concepts, grown as a person.  I am not the same Adi that I was a year ago, or two years ago.  In fact, I'm not the same Adi that I was one millisecond ago.  Every particle of my body has changed from the moment I began writing this.  Not a single part of me is constant.  None of us.

This is stupid and very existential, I know.

You can probably guess that I'm currently a little upset.

And for the most basic reason.

Yet again

I've been called a "faggot" from a passing car.

Within 10 minutes of walking out of a theatre, into a campus filled with sports fans parading the Homecoming Game at ASU, a car drove in front of me and a passenger leaned out of the window and simply called me a faggot.  At least they're not yelling anymore...but it's still annoying.

Now, I'm not the kind of person that has a problem with the word faggot.  I am a gay man.  Calling me a faggot is almost the same thing as calling me a human.  My sexual orientation is part of my identity, so yes, I am a faggot.  But do you really have to go out of your way to lean out of your car to remind me of your disapproval of the way I live my life.

Normally this would just pass.  I'd laugh at the word and keep going.  Maybe offer you a cookie for stating the obvious.  But what really upset me is that, right after leaving the restaurant where I ate my early dinner alone, another car did the exact same thing.

What is with this fetish of making these annoying obnoxious statements from passing cars?

I won't understand.

I'm the kind of guy that rolls down his window and calls "Great dress!" or turns as someone rides the skateboard by me and says "I like your shoes!" or compliments my students on their haircuts.

Why is it that our world is so devoid of positive encouragement and words of kindness?

We are stuck in this place where the only time words affect us, are when they're negative.

We are used to this negativity and accept it as a norm.

I don't want that to be the case.

I charge you to go out and compliment someone, a complete stranger.  Make their day.  Make them smile.  It's contagious.  Their smile will make you smile which will make bystanders who observe the exchange smile.

Be nice.

Speak well.

Enjoy life.

And share the happiness that we all deserve.

That's all.


wrappedupindex said...

You're amazing and beautiful. They're ignorant and impish.

I love you.

You're a great writer. <3

Unknown said...

Thank you very much!