Thursday, April 7, 2011

One From The Vaults

I haven't posted in forever, so I figured I'd throw this little diddy at you.  I don't want to write yet because I'm bottling up for something great, so in the meantime please enjoy:

To do-to feel-to see-to have-to live-to laugh-to love.

Each action created in the attempt to reach the other.

We do in order to feel. 
And feel so that we may see. 

We see what we want to have and what we have helps us live.
We live so that we may laugh and we laugh so that someday we can be offered the opportunity to love.

Don't run from the knock at the door, it's your chance to step behind the wheel.  Drive wherever you choose and stop when you please. 
It's your life, you've chosen it. 
Now live it.

Live it with no fears and grab whatever your heart desires along the way. 

Find a lover and cherish his being.
Not because he cherishes you but because he deserves what you want to give him.

Discover his soul and listen to the soundtrack of his body. 

Play the blues on his lips.  Scat to his fingertips. 
Hip hop to the whip of his hip and lose yourself in his rhythm.
Strum the strings that make his heart, try the jazz of his eyes for start. 
Spread his lips, make them part, and tango with his tongue. 
Teach him the beat, shuffle your feet, he'll return the favor and your song will be complete.

Every moment you see him your eyes light up.  It's the middle of the day and you're seeing stars.  He takes you places you've only imagined.

He's unlocking your cage and you can fly away, but where to go when all you know is he won't be there with you. 
Take your time, take plenty of his. 

When the two of you are ready, fly away together!

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